It Takes Just One Day to Impact a Foster Youth's Life!

As we celebrate Foster Care Awareness Month, Project Glimmer is thrilled to announce our upcoming Day of Giving on May 30th, where every gift will be doubled thanks to $25,000 in matching gifts waiting to be unlocked! You'll be supporting the 400,000+ youth currently in foster care, providing them with vital resources and opportunities for growth. 


Teenage girls in foster care face unique, gender-based challenges that deserve our attention:

  • 71% become pregnant by age 21, and half of their children enter foster care.

  • 60% of child human trafficking victims have been in foster care.

  • Only 50% graduate from high school, with a mere 3% graduating from college.

  • 50% have no earnings within the first 4 years of aging out of foster care, and those who do earn an average of $7,500 annually.

Throughout the month, you'll hear from inspiring foster teens defying the odds. At Project Glimmer, we break the cycle of poverty by nurturing confidence through mentorship, leadership training, and career pathways. It takes only one day to make a difference and we hope all of you will join us!


Meet Charlie, age 14, and click to watch her story below:

How Can You Help Support Foster Youth? Project Glimmer’s Day of Giving is May 30th, but it's not too early to join! Follow us, donate, and shop all month long!


Find Out Why Tara Volunteers With Project Glimmer